Favorite Foods for Clear & Healthy Skin

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We constantly look for the best foods to help us with weight loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Then we scour the aisles of our favorite beauty stores, just to spend hundreds of dollars on products that may (or may not) work. But rather than trying to cover up our skin with concealers and foundations, what if there were foods we could add into our diets, specifically for glowing clear skin!

Our skin is often a reflection of our eating habits – here are a few simple foods (you probably already love) that are great for healthy skin:


We love those Omega 3’s! it’s an anti-inflammatory and contains antioxidants that help your skin for acne, rosacea, and redness.

Sweet Potatoes

Rich in vitamin A, sweet potatoes can help with skin healing, blemishes, and wrinkles.


A great source for vitamin C! Tomatoes can even help protect your skin against damage from the sun.

Changes in our diets can help our skin immensly, but we still want to make sure we are doing our daily tasks like drinking enough water and getting plenty of sleep.

Balance is the key!