Why Should You Choose Meal Delivery Services Over Traditional Cooking?

Finding time to prepare healthy and delicious meals can be a challenge. There are plenty of reasons to choose meal delivery services for your culinary needs. It offers a host of benefits that make them an attractive alternative to traditional cooking.

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Top 5 Foods for Memory Health

Worsening memory is a natural part of getting older, but it's also an unpleasant one. Nobody wants to feel like they're forgetting the important things (or, for that matter, the not-so-important things, either). One way to work on improving your memory is to take diet into consideration. Certain foods have been shown to have a positive impact on brain health and memory in particular.

Healthy Eating Tips from Other Cultures

At Farm to Fit, we love learning and experimenting when it comes to food. Whether it's intermittent fasting or the paleo diet, we're down to try it. We love Portland, and we source our ingredients locally as much as possible. We also believe that sometimes it's great to look outward, and get ideas for healthy eating from other cultures. 

Top 5 Snacks For Energy

It's the middle of the workday and you're feeling sluggish. Who hasn't been there? The urge can come to go for a second cup of coffee or an energy drink, but then you'll be awake all night. So what's the answer? We can turn to food and nutrition to make healthier choices for an energy boost. Here are our top five snacks for energy.

Time Management Tips for Busy Parents

How can a harried parents find a few more minutes in the day? We explored advice from several time management experts to create this list of tips for parents.

Can You Eat Salmon Skin?

It's crunchy, salty, and comes with the fish already, but is salmon skin safe to eat? With some caveats, the answer is yes. Read on to find out what the deal is with consuming salmon skin.

Does Eating Spicy Food Help You Lose Weight?

Chili peppers and other spices do more than just add a little kick to your food. Some reports show that they can help you lose weight, too. But is it just a myth? Farm to Fit looked into the research to find out what's up with this claim.

Can Plastic-Eating Worms Save the Day?

It's no secret that we need to do something about plastic pollution on this planet. The landfills are full of it, and, increasingly, so are the oceans. It's one of those things everybody knows about, but nobody is sure what to do about.

Wouldn't it be great if there was a natural way to actually get rid of plastic? Well, there might be.

4 Best Apps for Calorie Counting

Counting calories is an integral part of a weight loss journey. Research has shown that people who log calories are more likely to lose weight and keep it off in the long run. But there's no point in doing it the old fashioned way with a pencil and paper. These days, there are apps to help do the calculations. So which app is best? Farm to Fit did some digging to uncover the four best calorie counting apps out there.