Happy Anniversary Farm to Fit

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Today, we're overjoyed to mark a very special occasion – our 12th anniversary! It's been an incredible journey, and we want to take this moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for your continued support and loyalty to Farm to FIt.

As we reflect on the last 12 years, its amazing to see the evolution we have experienced together. We're taking today to celebrate the incredible moments, tastes, and memories we've shared with all people that make Farm to Fit:

Our clients, your feedback and enthusiasm have been instrumental in shaping our service. You are our why. 

Our team of talented chefs and packagers, delivery heroes, customer support teams: It is your collective effort that has made our business not just a brand but a culinary experience, and a home.

Our purveyors, local farmers, and business community,  with your support, we've weathered challenges and celebrated triumphs, and we can't wait to embark on the next leg of this delicious journey with you.

As we step into our 12th year, we're embracing the future with the same enthusiasm and innovation that has defined Farm to Fit from the very beginning. 

Thank you, Farm to Fit Family, for making these 12 years a truly flavorful adventure. Here's to many more years of sharing the love of food!


xo, Dre & G.
