10 Tips to Help You Stay on Track this Season

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Wondering how to jingle all the way to your health goals amidst the holiday cheer? You're not lost in a tinsel tornado! We've got you covered this holiday with these #FestiveFitGoals health tips! 


1. Pre-party Snacking: Heading to a holiday party? Avoid arriving on an empty stomach. Munch on a healthy snack before you leave. This can prevent overeating and ensure you make better food choices.

2. Chew Mindfully: Take your time to chew your food. Not only does this aid in digestion, but it also helps you eat more slowly, appreciating every bite and controlling portion sizes.

3. Boost Your Metabolism: Consider adding a second, light workout to your day. A brisk 30-minute walk before you head out can do wonders for your metabolism, keeping you energized and helping to burn off those extra holiday calories.

4. Guilt-Free Enjoyment: The holiday season is a time to relax and enjoy. Don't stress over indulgences. Enjoy your favorite treats in moderation and keep the "You Only Live Once" (YOLO) spirit alive!

5. Limit Liquid Calories: Choose mixers that are low in sugar and calories. Consider using sparkling water, club soda, or infused water for a refreshing and healthy twist.


6. Hydration is Key: With all the hustle and bustle, it's easy to forget to drink water. Stay hydrated to help manage hunger and maintain energy levels.

7. Get Enough Sleep: The holidays can be hectic, but don’t skimp on sleep. A good night's rest is crucial for maintaining energy levels and keeping your appetite in check.

8. Plan Active Outings: Incorporate physical activity into your holiday plans. Go ice skating, take a family hike, or join a snowball fight. It's a fun way to burn calories!

9. Manage Stress: Holidays can be stressful. Find time for relaxation and mindfulness practices. Yoga, meditation, or a quiet walk can be incredibly beneficial.

10. Call Us: We’re here to help you navigate your nutrition this holiday season!  We've got the perfect balance of delicious and healthy delivered to your doorstep so you can enjoy a stress-free holiday season! #FoodieRescue